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ERA Craft Fair

Catherine Gary Hall, Ormiston 215 Wellington Street, Ormiston, QLD, Australia

 We will be holding a Creative Craft Fair  at Catherine Gray Hall,  215 Wellington Street, Ormiston,  adjacent to St Andrew’s Church on:  Saturday 28th November 2020 from 8am to 11am  We will have a range of sewing and craft items for sale and Artwork for display.  Coffee van and plants for sale  Proceeds will go to ERA Parish Please note - a

Car Boot Sale at St Paul’s Cleveland

St Paul's Cleveland 4 Cross Street, Cleveland, QLD, Australia

In conjunction with CATS Thrift Shop there will be a Car Boot Sale, Jumble Sale and Sausage Sizzle on Saturday 26th February from 7am to 11:30am at 4 Cross Street, Cleveland, beside St Paul's Church. There is no charge to bring your car boot (with car attached!) and sell your goods but booking is essential

Car Boot Sale at St Paul’s Cleveland

St Paul's Cleveland 4 Cross Street, Cleveland, QLD, Australia

In conjunction with CATS Thrift Shop there will be a Car Boot Sale, Jumble Sale and Sausage Sizzle on Saturday 27th August from 7am to 11:30am at 4 Cross Street, Cleveland, beside St Paul's Church. There is no charge to bring your car boot (with car attached!) and sell your goods but booking is essential

Car Boot Sale at St Paul’s Cleveland

St Paul's Cleveland 4 Cross Street, Cleveland, QLD, Australia

In conjunction with CATS Thrift Shop there will be a Car Boot Sale, Jumble Sale and Sausage Sizzle on Saturday 27th November from 7am to 11:30am at 4 Cross Street, Cleveland, beside St Paul's Church. There is no charge to bring your car boot (with car attached!) and sell your goods but booking is essential

A Christmas Eve Family Service

Come and join us for Christmas for our Christmas Eve Family Service!!! Our Services will be at All Saints' Redland Bay and St Paul's Cleveland at 6pm 24 December 2022. We look forward to seeing you.   For this and more details about Christmas Services you call our office on 3821 2443. You are most Welcome

Christmas Services

Come and join us for Christmas for our Christmas Services!!! Christmas Eve All Saints Redland Bay- 6:00pm Family Service St Paul's Cleveland- 6:00pm Family Christingle Service & 11:30pm Midnight Mass. St Peter's Russell Island- 5:00pm Christmas Service Christmas Day All Saints Redland Bay- 7:30am Christmas Day Service St Paul's Cleveland- 8:30 am Christmas Day Service

Ash Wednesday – Star of the Sea Ecumenical Service

Star of the Sea Catholic Church 53 Passage Street, Cleveland, Australia

Lent is about to begin for 2023 at East Redland Anglican. Please come and join us at Star of the Sea Catholic Church as the Anglican, Catholic, Lutheran and Uniting Church gather together on 22 February 2023 at 7pm for the beginning of Lent with our Ash Wednesday services as we prepare for our Lenten Journey.

Ceile De Celtic Service

St Paul's Cleveland 4 Cross Street, Cleveland, QLD, Australia

Our next Ceile De Service will be on 26 February 2023 at 6pm at St Paul's here at Cleveland! Come and gather with us for a contemplative service of Celtic Spirituality. This is a time to step back from the business of the world and simply "be" in silence and an atmosphere of calm. You


Messy Playtime

St Peter's, Russell Island 25-27 High Street, Russell Island, Queensland, Australia

Welcome to Messy Playtime!!!! Children from birth to pre-school age When: Tuesday Mornings 9.30am – 11.30am Where: All Saints, Redland Bay Messy Playtime is for young children in our community. The program was introduced for mums and bubs to experience social play and interaction with one another, as well as a base for families to


Messy Playtime

St Peter's, Russell Island 25-27 High Street, Russell Island, Queensland, Australia

Welcome to Messy Playtime!!!! Children from birth to pre-school age When: Tuesday Mornings 9.30am – 11.30am Where: All Saints, Redland Bay Messy Playtime is for young children in our community. The program was introduced for mums and bubs to experience social play and interaction with one another, as well as a base for families to

Ceile De Celtic Service- God’s Deep Breath Before the Plunge

St Paul's Cleveland 4 Cross Street, Cleveland, QLD, Australia

Hey Everyone- just wanted to let you know about our March Ceile De Service for 26 March 2032 at 6pm at St Paul's Cleveland. Contact the Parish Office on 3821 2443 for more information.