Illuminate Bible Study Group

Illuminate is a new bible study group at East Redland Anglican lead by The Rev. Cameron Freese.

Our next Study will commence on 13 June and will be “How Our Celtic Past Can Help Us Today”. The book associated with the study is called “Restoring the Woven Cord”. It can be purchased on Kindle on the link below.

Following  “How Our Celtic Past Can Help Us Today”, on 22 August we will commence “The Blessings Course” associated previously with the community at Ffald y Brenin in Wales. The book associated with the study is called “The Way of Blessing”. It can be purchased on Kindle on the link below.

Please join us the 2nd and 4th Thursday’s of the month at 6pm at St Paul’s Cleveland.

Purchase Kindle Edition of “Restoring the Woven Cord”
Purchase Kindle Edition of “The Way of Blessing”

To Make an Enquiry

We welcome your inquiries about the Illuminate Bible Study Group at East Redland Anglican.

Telephone the Church Office on 07 3821 2443, Mon-Fri, 9am to 12pm, for detailed information or contact Fr Cameron on 0416 845 875.

YouTube Channel

Vimeo Channel

