Come and join us at our next service.

 Our Next Service will be:

Palm Sunday 24 March 2024!


At East Redland Anglican we have semi-regular services in the Taizé Style during the evening, particularly through the winter months. A Taizé service is composed of simple songs, readings of scripture and reflections, interspersed with silence. It is a contemplative service, lit by candles, and designed to focus on prayer. The service has a monastic old world feel and is well placed in the space of East Redland Anglican.

The video to the left is an example of Taize style worship from the Taize Community.

Please keep an eye on our website for information about when our next Taizé Service will be.

For more information about Taizé you can visit the Taizé Community website at

Next Taize Service: Palm Sunday 24 March 2024 at 6:00pm

“Since my youth, I think that I have never lost the intuition that community life could be a sign that God is love, and love alone. Gradually the conviction took shape in me that it was essential to create a community with men determined to give their whole life and who would always try to understand one another and be reconciled, a community where kindness of heart and simplicity would be at the centre of everything.”

Brother Roger: “God is love alone”

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