Car Boot Sale at St Paul’s Cleveland
St Paul's Cleveland 4 Cross Street, Cleveland, QLD, AustraliaIn conjunction with CATS Thrift Shop there will be a Car Boot Sale, Jumble Sale and Sausage Sizzle on Saturday 22nd February from 7am to 11:30am at 4 Cross Street, Cleveland, beside St Paul's Church. There is no charge to bring your car boot (with car attached!) and sell your goods but booking is essential
Illuminate Bible Study Group
St Paul's Cleveland 4 Cross Street, Cleveland, QLD, AustraliaIlluminate is a bible study group at East Redland Anglican lead by The Rev. Cameron Freese. We are currently studying N.T Wright's "Simply Christian" over the next 10 sessions Please join us the 2nd and 4th Thursday's of the month at 6pm at St Paul's Cleveland. This course addresses the question of the reasonableness of
Illuminate Bible Study Group
St Paul's Cleveland 4 Cross Street, Cleveland, QLD, AustraliaIlluminate is a bible study group at East Redland Anglican lead by The Rev. Cameron Freese. We are currently studying N.T Wright's "Simply Christian" over the next 10 sessions Please join us the 2nd and 4th Thursday's of the month at 6pm at St Paul's Cleveland. This course addresses the question of the reasonableness of
Illuminate Bible Study Group
St Paul's Cleveland 4 Cross Street, Cleveland, QLD, AustraliaIlluminate is a bible study group at East Redland Anglican lead by The Rev. Cameron Freese. We are currently studying N.T Wright's "Simply Christian" over the next 10 sessions Please join us the 2nd and 4th Thursday's of the month at 6pm at St Paul's Cleveland. This course addresses the question of the reasonableness of
Illuminate Bible Study Group
St Paul's Cleveland 4 Cross Street, Cleveland, QLD, AustraliaIlluminate is a bible study group at East Redland Anglican lead by The Rev. Cameron Freese. We are currently studying N.T Wright's "Simply Christian" over the next 10 sessions Please join us the 2nd and 4th Thursday's of the month at 6pm at St Paul's Cleveland. This course addresses the question of the reasonableness of
Illuminate Bible Study Group
St Paul's Cleveland 4 Cross Street, Cleveland, QLD, AustraliaIlluminate is a bible study group at East Redland Anglican lead by The Rev. Cameron Freese. We are currently studying N.T Wright's "Simply Christian" over the next 10 sessions Please join us the 2nd and 4th Thursday's of the month at 6pm at St Paul's Cleveland. This course addresses the question of the reasonableness of
Illuminate Bible Study Group
St Paul's Cleveland 4 Cross Street, Cleveland, QLD, AustraliaIlluminate is a bible study group at East Redland Anglican lead by The Rev. Cameron Freese. We are currently studying N.T Wright's "Simply Christian" over the next 10 sessions Please join us the 2nd and 4th Thursday's of the month at 6pm at St Paul's Cleveland. This course addresses the question of the reasonableness of
Illuminate Bible Study Group
St Paul's Cleveland 4 Cross Street, Cleveland, QLD, AustraliaIlluminate is a bible study group at East Redland Anglican lead by The Rev. Cameron Freese. We are currently studying N.T Wright's "Simply Christian" over the next 10 sessions Please join us the 2nd and 4th Thursday's of the month at 6pm at St Paul's Cleveland. This course addresses the question of the reasonableness of
Illuminate Bible Study Group
St Paul's Cleveland 4 Cross Street, Cleveland, QLD, AustraliaIlluminate is a bible study group at East Redland Anglican lead by The Rev. Cameron Freese. We are currently studying N.T Wright's "Simply Christian" over the next 10 sessions Please join us the 2nd and 4th Thursday's of the month at 6pm at St Paul's Cleveland. This course addresses the question of the reasonableness of
Illuminate Bible Study Group
St Paul's Cleveland 4 Cross Street, Cleveland, QLD, AustraliaIlluminate is a bible study group at East Redland Anglican lead by The Rev. Cameron Freese. We are currently studying N.T Wright's "Simply Christian" over the next 10 sessions Please join us the 2nd and 4th Thursday's of the month at 6pm at St Paul's Cleveland. This course addresses the question of the reasonableness of
Illuminate Bible Study Group
St Paul's Cleveland 4 Cross Street, Cleveland, QLD, AustraliaIlluminate is a bible study group at East Redland Anglican lead by The Rev. Cameron Freese. We are currently studying N.T Wright's "Simply Christian" over the next 10 sessions Please join us the 2nd and 4th Thursday's of the month at 6pm at St Paul's Cleveland. This course addresses the question of the reasonableness of